Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Better than Debates and Popcorn

I don’t particularly care to watch presidential debates. I squirm. I fret. I feel uncomfortable and often annoyed. For me, there’s no sitting down with a bowl of popcorn and enjoying the show. In fact, my tendency is to feel despair about the condition of our nation and some of the people who represent it with their political ideologies.

That’s why I felt called to do what I know best and represents the most hope for the future. I journeyed to Washington, D.C. in early October with one mission in mind—to pray and ask God for His grace and mercy on our nation. I joined 300 people from all 50 states to spend four days walking and praying around our nation’s Capitol. We didn’t come to pray for a particular candidate’s success. We simply prayed for God to grace us with an interruption of heaven, an outpouring of His Spirit, and a fresh spiritual awakening for our nation.
My time there was both physically exhausting and spiritually rejuvenating. We walked miles to pray at various sites. At times we prayed in groups; other times I walked and prayed alone. As the Lord led us, we prayed with faith.

On one day all 300 of us were dispersed throughout the Senate and House of Representative offices to pray with our government leaders’ staffs. We made appointments ahead of time to let the staffs know we were coming—and in every instance we were graciously received. Although the Congress members themselves were on recess, we were blessed to pray with the people who work behind the scenes. One particularly liberal Senator’s staff was somewhat suspicious when we arrived, but by the time we finished praying for them and blessing them—it was clear that their hearts had been warmed. In fact, the chief counsel of this staff contacted us a week later with another prayer request!

In addition, we spent time worshiping at "David's Tent," which is a large tent that has been pitched on the Ellipse - technically the White House property. This tent will be there for the 40 days prior to the elections with 24/7 worship. There is a stage set up at one end with speakers that broadcast live worship music as far as the Washington Monument. This means that for 40 days, night and day, there is continuous worship being offered to God - and I suspect you might even be able to hear it on the White House lawn. I am amazed that they could get a permit for this - another indicator that God is pouring out His favor to those who are willing to sacrificially pray!

Some people might believe that God has given up on this nation, but I don't believe that's true. I believe He is calling more and more of His people to pray with hope and humility because He wants to pour out another great revival and spiritual awakening in our nation. The week in D.C. strengthened that belief in my heart.

Dave Butts, chairman of the National Prayer Committee, shared a passage of Scripture that has stayed with me and continues to give hope—even when I’m watching presidential debates! In Jeremiah 14-15, God told Jeremiah to not bother to pray for the nation of Judah, as He was determined to carry out His judgment because of their rebellion and sin. In fact, God said that even if Moses and Samuel prayed for mercy, God would not listen. It was time for judgment to be carried out—with the hope of repentance and restoration to come later.

But God has not told His people today to stop praying for this nation. He called exactly 300 of us to come to D.C. to pray like Gideon’s army. He’s calling more and more people every day to fast and pray – especially in these last days leading up to the elections. Whatever the outcome, God’s heart is to answer the cries of His people with perhaps the greatest move of revival we’ve ever known as a nation. I believe that.

I agree with Dave’s assessment of our nation at this moment in history: "We are in the midst of the most massive movement of prayer ever in the U.S. It's happening now - and it's accelerating."

This is going to be way better than watching a debate with a bowl of popcorn.


1 comment:

  1. Amen! I too have much hope BECAUSE of the reports of prayer and fasting that have taken place over the last four years with Reign Down, One Cry and many others...Our God is so merciful and wise. Thank you for going Carol, and for this report! May God make Himself known. That is our hope and the answer to every KNOW HIM and His wonderful LOVE. Ask...and you will receive...and your JOY will be complete. In Jesus name! Amen!
    God bless you!
