Saturday, September 26, 2009

Give Lots and Don’t Be Afraid

Last Sunday I prayed in the services just before the offering. I sensed the Lord leading me to pray that we would be generous in our giving and not live out of fear. The Lord has to deal with me often about fearfully holding on to things, especially my money. And certainly we are living in times that can cause one to pause and hoard. So I guess I was actually praying for myself.

When I came home, I sat down for my daily Bible reading. I’m reading through the chronological Bible, and no, I did not get up early enough to do it before church!

Anyway, the reading for the day included Psalm 112. Now, maybe most of you have this one memorized—and I just missed this when I was struggling to get Psalm 23 down. But this was not a familiar Psalm to me.

It reads, in part (vs. 4-8), “When the darkness overtakes the godly, light will come bursting in. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous. All goes well for those who are generous…Such people will not be overcome by evil circumstances….They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them. They are confident and fearless....”

There it is. Give lots and don’t be afraid. That is how we, as the Church, will be called to minister in coming days when fear may overtake the faint of heart and times may get more difficult. But we can give generously, share the love of Christ often, and walk confidently in our trust in our God!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Shouts of Joy

I stepped outside my home and heard the roar of the crowd. Although I live three miles from Hazeltine golf course (the site of the recent PGA championship), apparently the wind was just right to carry the crowd's cheers a good distance. And from the sounds of it, it must have been a pretty spectacular shot!

I was actually on my way to the Rock the River music festival on Harriet Island. For months, thousands of people have been praying and preparing for this evangelistic outreach to young people. I had never heard of most of the bands playing, and I must admit feeling a bit old around the raucous music. But I was proud of us older generations who were there to support the youth, some with Kleenex sticking out of their ears as sound buffers!

The gospel message was preached several times with simplicity and Scriptural clarity. Although some 23,000 people were milling around and at times appearing distracted, God’s Spirit still penetrated hearts. Nearly a thousand people walked forward to the front of the stage to make decisions for Christ that day.

That brings me back to the crowds at the golf tournament. Sure, it was probably fun to see celebrities play at such a high caliber. Sure, there were probably some thrilling moments.

But none of that compares with the thrill of seeing youth stream forward to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Just imagine the roar of the heavenly crowds cheering us on! Certainly no golf shot could ever match the eternal shouts of joy when God's Kingdom was advanced last Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Next Spiritual Awakening

If you don’t believe we are in need of a spiritual awakening in our nation, you aren’t obsessed with Fox News and other media outlets like I am! Seriously, you cannot live in this nation without some awareness that a movement of God is desperately needed.

Historically, this nation has experienced some powerful spiritual awakenings that have dramatically changed the spiritual climate of society. However, we are perhaps 150 years overdue for another nationwide, saturating awakening.

But there are hopeful signs! Before every great spiritual awakening, there were some common indicators that we’re beginning to see emerge once again.

One of the first signs is an increase in the use of revival and spiritual awakening language. In the past few years, great movements of prayer have been rising up, including alliances of Christian ministries devoted to prayer for revival. Eighteen years ago I wrote my first article on revival. I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but I was aware that there had to be something more to faith in Christ than what I was seeing displayed in the Church. Now the call for revival is becoming commonplace in prayer circles.

Another sign is an increase in the fervency of prayer among the “remnant.” These are the pastors and intercessors who have prayed faithfully and sought God for a greater move of His power in our midst. More and more prayer warriors are joining the ranks of those praying fervently for revival. This is one of the most encouraging and hopeful signs, as almost all revivals have started with less than 12 people praying. God loves to work through a remnant!

As we close in on a desperately needed move of God in our nation, there are two more indicators that will increase just prior to revival breaking out (I learned this through an interview with Billy Wilson of Awakening America):

  • There will be an increase in united, extraordinary prayer. This prayer is passionate, fervent, and repentant in nature—and this is increasing exponentially!

  • There will be a restoration of integrity to the pulpit. You will begin to hear greater boldness in messages based on the truth of the gospel, and it will include the message of repentance. Not only will the messengers of the gospel proclaim the integrity of the gospel more clearly, they will also experience their own repentance and transformation. This is something we should all long for our own lives.

Keep your eyes on the horizon. Revival fires are not far away. Keep praying; keep repenting. As we humble ourselves in brokenness, God will draw closer and closer to us. Come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Behind Closed Doors

Elisha was a man of unusual “God moments.” I’m still pondering the floating axhead story—and have absolutely nothing to say about that!

But I was especially struck by the details of two miracles: the widow with the replenishing oil and the Shunammite woman’s son who was raised from the dead. Both of these stories from 2 Kings 4 have a common thread that I’ve never noticed before.

In the first miracle story, the widow was in deep financial trouble. She called out to Elisha for help, acknowledging that she was down to her last few drops of oil. Elisha instructed her to gather up as many jars as possible in her home. Then he told her to go inside and shut the door. Behind that closed door, the oil began to flow and the widow was supplied with more than enough to sustain her family.

In the second miracle story, the woman from Shunem lost her son, perhaps to a brain aneurism. (Just my guess—the passage says that he died after a horrible headache.) She was distraught and went to find Elisha. Elisha’s servant got to the woman’s house first and tried to help the boy according to Elisha’s instructions. Nothing.

Then Elisha showed up, went into the room with the boy, and shut the door behind him. Alone in the room with the lifeless body, Elisha began to pray. He laid on top of the boy, mouth to mouth, hand to hand. As Elisha’s body covered the boy, a sense of warmth began to return. Elisha got up, paced around the room, and then stretched out over the boy again. Suddenly the boy sneezed seven times with the breath of life!

Both of these miracles were done behind closed doors. No crowds; no big fanfare. Just simple acts of obedience and prayer in times of desperation. One miracle resulted in provision; the other resulted in a revived life.

I’ve noticed in my own life that God is calling me to more times of intercession behind closed doors. It’s just me and my God. Mostly I’m pleading with Him for revival of the church and spiritual awakening of our nation. I’m praying for the dead to live again!

But perhaps the greatest miracle is what God is doing in my own heart and life when I shut the door and get alone with Him. I think I am living again!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unprecedented Moment in History

Something will happen on Sunday, May 31, that has never happened before in the history of the world. Every nation will be united in one thing - lifting up the name of Jesus Christ in prayer around the globe!

All 220 nations will be represented on the Global Day of Prayer, from the rising to the setting of the sun over a 24-hour period. Believers in every land will join in a unified prayer for the world - that the glory of Christ will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).

Stop and think about it. Really, stop and ponder the enormity of this moment. Even the Olympics cannot compete with this vast movement of God throughout the earth. Although nearly all nations compete in the Olympics, it is not every nation. This is unprecedented. We have never witnessed this before - ever!

Frankly, that ought to take your breath away. We are living in a time when all the saints of heaven (that great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12:1) are watching something that was once deemed unimaginable. With the combination of the technology of today and a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, it is possible for believers to be united in the same prayer and the same heart cry throughout the earth. Just imagine the heavens being filled with the prayers of the saints here on earth, while the saints above are cheering us on.

Here in Minneapolis, we will gather in the Convention Center on Sunday evening. In nations throughout Africa, people will gather in stadiums. In other nations that are hostile to Christianity, people will gather quietly in homes or other secure places - at great personal risk. But they will gather for the glory of Christ!

This blows me away. If it doesn't blow you away, then go back to the top of this article and start reading again. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to see the powerful moment that is before us.

Unprecedented. Marvelous. Glorious. Words cannot describe. It is all for You, Jesus.

All for You.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Let's Review

I had breakfast with my nephew this morning so that we could explore the “R” word just a bit more. You know the “R” word—the one we don’t really like to talk about. The one that gets left out a lot because it makes people uncomfortable.


It seems a very fitting topic for this Good Friday morning because without repentance, the cross of Jesus Christ seems a bit pointless. If Jesus was willing to take the sins of the world upon Himself, die a humiliating and torturous death, and then provide a way for us to be redeemed from our own hopelessness and destruction—well, isn’t repentance really a small sacrifice on our part? Acknowledging our sin by confessing and repenting is the most powerful thing we can do to honor Christ today.

Yet much of the Church today leans toward downplaying the message of repentance. It doesn’t seem to attract people to the gospel message, so maybe we should tone it down a bit, seems to be the trendy Christian thought.

That’s perhaps part of why so many people are drawn to books like The Shack. It makes God a bit more comfortable, more to our liking. No mention of repentance and our need to turn from sin. No mention of judgment and eternal death. Whew…I like the God of the New Testament over the God of the Old Testament, who seemed so harsh. A new and improved version of God, many like to think.


Today my nephew and I went back to the basics of repentance. We both want to know what Scripture really says about it. Did Jesus back off on the message of repentance so that the gospel could be more comfortable to the masses?

Here are the words of Christ, just as a reminder on this Good Friday:

  • Jesus’ first message after 40 days of temptation and ministry preparation: “Repent and believe.” (Mark 1:15)

  • Jesus’ continuous message throughout His ministry: “From that time, Jesus began to preach and say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” (Matt. 4:17)

  • Jesus’ instructions to the disciples as He prepared them for ministry: “With my authority, take this message of repentance to all the nations…” (Luke 24:47)

  • The disciples’ response to Jesus’ instructions: “And they went out, telling all they met to turn from their sins.” (Mark 6:12)

  • Jesus’ message to five of the seven churches in Revelation: “I have this against you...repent! (Rev. 2-3)

So let’s review. It’s the first message of Jesus, the message He passed on to the disciples, and it’s the message He continues to give for the Church today.

Please honor the Lord Jesus Christ in your life by embracing the message—and gift—of repentance. I believe as we walk out a lifestyle of repentance, we will become more and more Christ-like. That’s the kind of revolutionary life that will be used of God to bring revival to our churches and transformation to our land.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Holding Tightly

My nephew has been meeting with several of his friends for breakfast or lunch each week, with the purpose of challenging each other to walk out their faith in Christ in more radical and biblical ways.

On one occasion, a man in a wheelchair approached their table. As they conversed with him, Brad and his friends realized that this man had tremendous needs beyond what any one person could handle. As others in the group left to return to their jobs, my nephew Brad stayed and talked with him. Eventually they established that he was not looking for money, yet he was longing for peace and joy in his life. His anger toward God seemed unforgiveable to him; he was struggling with any hope of forgivness through Christ. As they talked, the man wept at Brad’s demonstration of love through his simple willingness to engage with the man. As Brad prayed for him, the man experienced restored hope.

The man was so overwhelmed that he could not let go of Brad’s hand. He gripped Brad tightly for the longest time, so grateful for the healing touch that he felt.

When Brad told me the story, I was reminded of Peter and John in Acts 3 when they came upon the “lame man” in the Temple. As the man begged from them, Peter turned and looked at him intently. “I don’t have any money for you,” Peter said. “But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus, get up and walk!”

Later in the passage, the man was so overwhelmed at his healing that he was “holding tightly” to Peter and John. The people around him were astounded and stood in awe at the work of Christ in his life.

When did you last engage with someone by looking at him or her intently and offering hope in Jesus? Do you know what it’s like to have someone hold on tightly to you because he or she is so desperate for what you have to offer in Christ?

I believe there’s a good chance that the days to come will grow increasingly difficult for people. We will have opportunities to look intently into people’s eyes, pray for them, and point them to the healing hope found only in Jesus Christ. We can anticipate a lot of holding tightly from those who are desperate for the Lord’s healing touch.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do I Have To?

I was just settling into a comfortable spot on the floor in front of the fireplace, with pillows perfectly positioned. I was reading a book written by a friend about dealing with disappointment when God seems to "disappear." *

Suddenly I had that know...the one where you wonder if it's God speaking or simply your imagination.

Go and read your book at Caribou Coffee.

I desperately hoped it was my imagination. It was cold and dark. I was warm and comfy.

Go read your book at Caribou.

Rats. It might be God.

I tried to ignore it. I tried to rationalize my way beyond it. Do I really have to?

But the thought wouldn't leave. So I got up, put on my winter coat, and stepped into the cold - pondering again the purpose of obedience.

As I walked into Caribou, I told the Lord I had no idea why He invited me here. But if it was simply to see if I would actually leave the warm fire - then so be it!

I ordered a caramel high rise. Figured I deserved it.

Then the guy behind the counter spoke up. "What book are you reading?" he asked.

Oh, my. That opened up a dialog that continued for several minutes with the interruption of a few customers passing through.

Turns out the Caribou guy was exploring lots of things: Hinduism, reincarnation, Buddhism, and even Christianity. But his big issue? He wanted proof. If Christianity is true, he needed some answers to tough questions. A friend had encouraged him to read The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel, but he wasn't sure he could buy that Christianity is the only way.

I finally wrapped up the conversation by telling him that I would pray for him while he read the book. I said I would ask Jesus to prove Himself if He really is the truth.

"What's your name?" I inquired, just wanting to make my prayers a bit more personal.

"Thomas," he replied.

Of course it is. I smiled slightly, but my heart swelled with gratitude that God cared so much about Thomas and his doubts that he would send me out in the cold to pray for him.

Yes, we have to. We have to be obedient to those promptings of God if we want to see His amazing work!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Turn Around

I was running just a little late for church when I saw Nancy from the Caribou coffee shop walking along Main Street. I suspected she was walking to work, although she was several blocks from her destination. I've had a few spiritual conversations with Nancy, but she's not too impressed with "the Church." Thinks we're a bunch of hypocrites.

Suddenly I had a thought flash through my mind. "Turn around and invite Nancy to church."

I drove past a couple of traffic lights, hoping the thought was not actually from the Lord. But it didn't leave me, even as I reasoned with God that I would be really late for church if I turned around.

"Invite Nancy to church."

Great. Just great. This is not comfortable.

I turned around and pulled up next to Nancy. Naturally, she was startled as she looked over at me.

"Um, Nancy, I feel like I'm supposed to invite you to church."

Naturally, she was startled by my invitation. She declined, as she was on her way to work her shift. But she accepted my offer to give her a ride the rest of the way.

"Nancy, um, last time we talked, you were exploring some unusual spiritual things such as astrology. Where are you at with spiritual stuff?" I asked.

"Interesting you should ask," Nancy replied. "Just last night I decided I was supposed to read the Bible, so I searched around the house to find one."

As I explored a bit more with her, she remembered that she read the verse in Philippians about being able to do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

"Well, Nancy, just so you know, I really believe that. I live my life according to that truth."

I pulled up in front of Caribou, our conversation ending way too quickly. I asked Nancy if there was any way I could pray for her. "Pray that I will make it to church tonight," she replied as she got out of the car.

"OK, I'm right on that, Nancy!"

Yes, I was late for church. But I'm pretty sure I heard God about turning around. He loves to do that.