Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do I Have To?

I was just settling into a comfortable spot on the floor in front of the fireplace, with pillows perfectly positioned. I was reading a book written by a friend about dealing with disappointment when God seems to "disappear." *

Suddenly I had that know...the one where you wonder if it's God speaking or simply your imagination.

Go and read your book at Caribou Coffee.

I desperately hoped it was my imagination. It was cold and dark. I was warm and comfy.

Go read your book at Caribou.

Rats. It might be God.

I tried to ignore it. I tried to rationalize my way beyond it. Do I really have to?

But the thought wouldn't leave. So I got up, put on my winter coat, and stepped into the cold - pondering again the purpose of obedience.

As I walked into Caribou, I told the Lord I had no idea why He invited me here. But if it was simply to see if I would actually leave the warm fire - then so be it!

I ordered a caramel high rise. Figured I deserved it.

Then the guy behind the counter spoke up. "What book are you reading?" he asked.

Oh, my. That opened up a dialog that continued for several minutes with the interruption of a few customers passing through.

Turns out the Caribou guy was exploring lots of things: Hinduism, reincarnation, Buddhism, and even Christianity. But his big issue? He wanted proof. If Christianity is true, he needed some answers to tough questions. A friend had encouraged him to read The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel, but he wasn't sure he could buy that Christianity is the only way.

I finally wrapped up the conversation by telling him that I would pray for him while he read the book. I said I would ask Jesus to prove Himself if He really is the truth.

"What's your name?" I inquired, just wanting to make my prayers a bit more personal.

"Thomas," he replied.

Of course it is. I smiled slightly, but my heart swelled with gratitude that God cared so much about Thomas and his doubts that he would send me out in the cold to pray for him.

Yes, we have to. We have to be obedient to those promptings of God if we want to see His amazing work!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Turn Around

I was running just a little late for church when I saw Nancy from the Caribou coffee shop walking along Main Street. I suspected she was walking to work, although she was several blocks from her destination. I've had a few spiritual conversations with Nancy, but she's not too impressed with "the Church." Thinks we're a bunch of hypocrites.

Suddenly I had a thought flash through my mind. "Turn around and invite Nancy to church."

I drove past a couple of traffic lights, hoping the thought was not actually from the Lord. But it didn't leave me, even as I reasoned with God that I would be really late for church if I turned around.

"Invite Nancy to church."

Great. Just great. This is not comfortable.

I turned around and pulled up next to Nancy. Naturally, she was startled as she looked over at me.

"Um, Nancy, I feel like I'm supposed to invite you to church."

Naturally, she was startled by my invitation. She declined, as she was on her way to work her shift. But she accepted my offer to give her a ride the rest of the way.

"Nancy, um, last time we talked, you were exploring some unusual spiritual things such as astrology. Where are you at with spiritual stuff?" I asked.

"Interesting you should ask," Nancy replied. "Just last night I decided I was supposed to read the Bible, so I searched around the house to find one."

As I explored a bit more with her, she remembered that she read the verse in Philippians about being able to do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

"Well, Nancy, just so you know, I really believe that. I live my life according to that truth."

I pulled up in front of Caribou, our conversation ending way too quickly. I asked Nancy if there was any way I could pray for her. "Pray that I will make it to church tonight," she replied as she got out of the car.

"OK, I'm right on that, Nancy!"

Yes, I was late for church. But I'm pretty sure I heard God about turning around. He loves to do that.