Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Next Spiritual Awakening

If you don’t believe we are in need of a spiritual awakening in our nation, you aren’t obsessed with Fox News and other media outlets like I am! Seriously, you cannot live in this nation without some awareness that a movement of God is desperately needed.

Historically, this nation has experienced some powerful spiritual awakenings that have dramatically changed the spiritual climate of society. However, we are perhaps 150 years overdue for another nationwide, saturating awakening.

But there are hopeful signs! Before every great spiritual awakening, there were some common indicators that we’re beginning to see emerge once again.

One of the first signs is an increase in the use of revival and spiritual awakening language. In the past few years, great movements of prayer have been rising up, including alliances of Christian ministries devoted to prayer for revival. Eighteen years ago I wrote my first article on revival. I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but I was aware that there had to be something more to faith in Christ than what I was seeing displayed in the Church. Now the call for revival is becoming commonplace in prayer circles.

Another sign is an increase in the fervency of prayer among the “remnant.” These are the pastors and intercessors who have prayed faithfully and sought God for a greater move of His power in our midst. More and more prayer warriors are joining the ranks of those praying fervently for revival. This is one of the most encouraging and hopeful signs, as almost all revivals have started with less than 12 people praying. God loves to work through a remnant!

As we close in on a desperately needed move of God in our nation, there are two more indicators that will increase just prior to revival breaking out (I learned this through an interview with Billy Wilson of Awakening America):

  • There will be an increase in united, extraordinary prayer. This prayer is passionate, fervent, and repentant in nature—and this is increasing exponentially!

  • There will be a restoration of integrity to the pulpit. You will begin to hear greater boldness in messages based on the truth of the gospel, and it will include the message of repentance. Not only will the messengers of the gospel proclaim the integrity of the gospel more clearly, they will also experience their own repentance and transformation. This is something we should all long for our own lives.

Keep your eyes on the horizon. Revival fires are not far away. Keep praying; keep repenting. As we humble ourselves in brokenness, God will draw closer and closer to us. Come, Lord Jesus!


  1. In our Youth Group there is an undeniable spirit of God which seems to move most when we are united in prayer. I haven't been a part of a group that has such passion for prayer and for God to redeem and revive individuals, communities and churches. Your bullet point about an increase of United, extraordinary prayer is happening in our Youth group and I am excited to see it break out all over!

  2. I agree--you are seeing the beginnings of a powerful move of God. Keep praying! Perhaps we will see even a greater outpouring when Rock the River hits the Twin Cities. I would love to see your youth group at the forefront of an outbreak of revival!
